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2024 Schedule

The schedule below is for our July 2024 event. This year's schedule will be provided approximately 1 month before the event.

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Event check in will be held in the Siena meeting room. Enter the hotel lobby and take elevator up to the 2nd floor. Follow signs for HSV.


Arriving outside the above check-in times?


Stop by our hospitality suites G205/206 in Building G, which are open noon to midnight daily

Wednesday, July 10th


Noon to 8 pm Check-in open


6 - 7:30 pm Mixer #1​


Thursday, July 11th


9 - 10:30 am Breakfast


9 am - Noon Check-in open


1 - 2 pm Welcome and Q&A for Event First-Timers


2 - 5 pm Meet your Neighbors


6 - 8 pm Check-in open


6 - 7:30 pm Mixer #2


Friday, July 12th


9 - 10:30 am Breakfast

2 pm Exploring Hypnosis

9 pm Game Night


Saturday, July 13th


9 - 10:30 am Breakfast

12:30 pm Poker with Colby

3 pm Detention Hall

6:30 - 8 pm Dinner


Welcome and Q&A for Event First-Timers

Thursday – 1-2 p.m. G building hospitality suite (Room G205)


If you’ve never attended a weekend spanking event before, you may be a little nervous or intimidated. Here’s a chance to get together with other first-timers, get to know each other, relax, and get any questions you may have answered by Hot Seat Retreat organizers.



Meet Your Neighbors – G Building

Thursday – 2-3 p.m. G Building hospitality suite (Room G205)


All folks staying in the G Building are invited to stop by the hospitality suite on the second floor and get to meet your neighbors. If beating your neighbors is also something that appeals to you, the play suite across the hall will also be open.



Meet You Neighbors – F Building

Thursday – 3-4 p.m. G Building hospitality suite (Room G205)


All folks staying in the F Building are invited to stop by the hospitality suite on the second floor and get to meet your neighbors. If beating your neighbors is also something that appeals to you, the play suite across the hall will also be open.



Meet You Neighbors – O Building

Thursday – 4-5 p.m. G Building hospitality suite (Room G205)


All folks staying in the O Building are invited to stop by the hospitality suite on the second floor and get to meet your neighbors. If beating your neighbors is also something that appeals to you, the play suite across the hall will also be open.



Exploring Hypnosis: Spanking Edition

Friday – 2 p.m. Siena Room (In main building)


Discover the world of hypnosis and unleash the power of your mind! After dispelling a few myths and recognizing the reality of hypnosis as a very natural phenomenon, we will explore how it can activate and engage our creativity and imagination. And that’s its real power, to help us visualize the unseen and to focus on what we wish to accomplish! We can explore how hypnosis can shape your play, whether by building confidence, generating headspace, visualizing scenes, or even creating your own kinky superhero. You’re invited to simply observe or to volunteer for a demonstration (while volunteers won’t be asked to give or receive actual spankings, the demonstrations will suggest how hypnosis can shape our kink). Come by, have some fun, embrace your mind, relax, and discover the gifts that hypnosis can offer you!



Game Night!

Friday – 9-midnight. Siena Room (in main building)


How much are you willing to bet your ass? Casino-style games will be set up, and players will be gambling. Losers can expect very red, very sore butts. For this event, we will be securing entrance to these rooms for privacy purposes and spankings can happen during these games. 



Detention Hall Roleplay Event

Saturday – 3 p.m. Siena Room (In main building)


The purpose of the Detention Hall is to deal with the group of students who recently committed a group offense; all students will be issued detention slips with more information about this offense, so they can thoughtfully reflect on it. The Detention Hall will consist of a presentation to the group about the offense, standards of conduct, and the punishment that will take place. The group is expected to sit attentively and quietly and any failure to do so will result in additional punishment. After this presentation, we will proceed as a group to one of the large suites in Building G for bare bottom, public paddlings that will be administered to every attendee (the detention slips will include a space to note desired limits). Principal Steve and Principal Stan will administer the paddlings.

Hot Seat VEGAS
Jul 30 - Aug 3, 2025

Hot Seat Vegas

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